Ceramic Plates, handcrafted, hand-painted. In Tuscany, at Monsummano Terme
(Pistoia) Italy. Decorated Plates in Tuscan, Italian Ceramics. Plates and Platters to hang


Studio Chironi: Sale of fine Ceramic Plates, hand decorated, specialists in California, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, West Coast, L.A.


Ceramic Tables indoor and outdoor, hand painted: our pride. Varoius sizes and decorations. VISIT PAGE

Ceramic Oil-Jars, hand-painted: various sizes, shapes, decorations; normal and decorarive use VISIT PAGE

Ceramic Vases and potiches, hand-painted: wide range; normal and decorative use. VISIT PAGE

Ceramic Plates, hand-painted: tableware for daily use; to decorate your home; to hang on your walls. VISIT PAGE

Ceramic Relief Fruit, hand-painted: ceramic objects decorated with the most typical Italian fruits. VISIT PAGE

Art Gallery: a selection of ceramic artistic items hand-painted by Mirella Chironi. VISIT PAGE

- Italian Tuscan Ceramics for sale

- Ceramics specialists in America

- Hand-painted Ceramic Plates for sale

- Handcrafted Ceramic Plates for sale

- Hand decorated Italian Ceramics

- Italian, Tuscan Ceramic art

- Ceramics for your table, Tableware

- Ceramic Plates for home furnishing

- Ceramic Plates West Coast USA

- Ceramic Plates in California U.S.A.

- Ceramic Plates in Los Angeles L.A.

- Ceramic Plates in San Diego

- Ceramic Plates in Sacramento

- Ceramic Plates in San Francisco

Design and site by Pacini Flavio
Graphics and web design - visit site:

Pregiata Ceramica Toscana di Pieraccioli Ivo & C. S.A.S.
Via Maestri del Lavoro, 2
51015 Monsummano Terme (PT) Italy
e-mail: info@ceramichechironi.it
Phone: +39 0572 090.564
Fax: +39 0572 090.555
VAT n.: IT 01725920472
Tax code: PRC VIO 52D29 F384X
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Clic on articles here below, grouped by line

PLATES in. 16 and 20 (cm. 40 and 50) - Click on photos to enlarge them

Foto piatto

Art. 7104
cm 40 - in. 16

Art. 7105
cm 40 - in. 16

Art. 7106
cm 40 - in. 16

Art. 7107
cm 40 - in. 16

Art. 7108
cm 40 - in. 16

Art. 6103
cm 50 - in. 20

Art. 6104
cm 50 - in. 20

Art. 7110
cm 40 - in. 16

Art. 7111
cm 40 - in. 16

Art. 7112
cm 40 - in. 16

Art. 8105
cm 44 - in. 18

Art. 8106
cm 44 - in. 18

Art. 8107
cm 44 - in. 18